Monday 29 June 2015


Having a little bubs in your life really puts a lot of things in perspective. We rush through life chasing goals and material things, constantly looking for something bigger and better, brighter and shinier. But a sweet, vulnerable, trusting baby shows the purity of how we all started, where having basic needs met and receiving attention and affection was enough to make us content. So...these are some simple blessings to be grateful for:

Small victories:
Whether it is getting a shower or making it through the day without tears, as a mommy you should celebrate these small triumphs. 

Your circle:
Your spouse, mom, BFF, neighbor or moms group who understands our frustrations, hug us when we have spitup on our clothes or bring us a chocolate after a trying day...thank you!

Favorite cuddles:
For that blankie or soft toy that soothes your bubs when nothing else will. 

Keyless cars and automated doors are the worlds best invention when you are trying your best to manage a stroller, diaper bag and the groceries. 

Magic moments:
Those little moments where your little one looks at you and smiles. For giggles when you tickle his little feet. For their sweet, heavy breathing as they fall asleep on your chest. For that gorgeous scent of wash and lotion after bath time...these moments are magic...enjoy them!

Friday 26 June 2015


I came across these gorgeous pendants during a midnight nursing session. I was looking for something with the initial "m" to celebrate the arrival of my son, Matthew. 

These heart pendants are available from Anvil & I through I ordered mine and a few days later a beautifully packaged necklace arrived. The silver chalks delicate and feminine and the initial is subtle yet perfect for anyone who is as sentimental as me... 

 The only problem now is convincing myself not to wear it for fear that Matthew, who is learning the strength of his hands and fingers, might pull on it too hard!

Visit their website for more gorgeous pieces:

Thursday 25 June 2015


One thing I have realized when it comes to baby clothes is: don't keep any outfit aside for a "special occasion "! 

Every day is a special occasion and your little one will grow so quickly that they may not even get a chance to wear that especially cute outfit even once! I found thIs out the hard way. The good news is at least the outfits are good enough to keep for the next one...wink, wink!

In an attempt to be productive during load-shedding we did a closet clear-out of all the little outfits that don't fit my little man anymore. I was astonished! I have also decided that all future baby showers I am giving larger sized items as everyone gives you the sweet little newborn and 0-3 month outfits but suddenly you get to 3 months and have to do a full shop for the basics again...not that shopping for my gorgeous guy is a bad thing... any excuse to spoil him!


Wednesday 24 June 2015


A really good friend of mine is pregnant at the moment. I keep getting text messages like "now I know what you meant about the pelvic pain" or " You were right, it is freaky when your tummy touches your thighs when you sit!"

People don't talk about the not-so-pretty details of pregnancy...and there are a few. Obviously the good far outweighs the bad and the precious bundle that you get at the end makes it all worthwhile, but I thought I would list my top 5 side effects here:

1. Aching hips

Is hip pain keeping you up at night or preventing you from walking more than a few steps without pain? Yep, this is another common side effect of pregnancy that your girlfriends didn't warn you about. More common in the third trimester, hip pain is caused by relaxin, a hormone that prepares your body for delivery. Relaxin softens your joints and widens your hips in order to help Baby exit during delivery.

2. Bleeding and sore gums

Hormonal changes send extra blood flow to your gums, causing the, to swell and become painful. Keep brushing but brush gently and swop to a soft toothbrush.

3. A running nose

Tissue after tissue, you have a runny nose that just won't stop running! An increase in hormones can cause the inside of your nose to swell and the mucus there to thicken. The same hormone that helps relax and prepare your body for birth can also relax your sinuses, giving you a nose that constantly drips.  Nose bleeds can also occur so keep those tissues handy!

4.  You are glowing

Ahhh....not if your third trimester is during the hot seasons, then I'm afraid it is perspiration! And with a great big belly it means under your arms, between your legs, on your belly and your face and neck.  Your metabolism is in overdrive, and the extra blood pumping through you warms the skin...your body is simply cooling off..

5. Luscious locks

This one is for post pregnancy...the gift that keeps on giving. At around three months after giving birth my hair started falling ou. Now we are not talking big bald patches but we are also not talking one or two strands. We are talking the drain is blocked and the vacuum cleaner is clogged! Not much you can do here except sweep the floor regularly!

What were your most unexpected pregnancy side-effects?

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