Monday 29 June 2015


Having a little bubs in your life really puts a lot of things in perspective. We rush through life chasing goals and material things, constantly looking for something bigger and better, brighter and shinier. But a sweet, vulnerable, trusting baby shows the purity of how we all started, where having basic needs met and receiving attention and affection was enough to make us content. So...these are some simple blessings to be grateful for:

Small victories:
Whether it is getting a shower or making it through the day without tears, as a mommy you should celebrate these small triumphs. 

Your circle:
Your spouse, mom, BFF, neighbor or moms group who understands our frustrations, hug us when we have spitup on our clothes or bring us a chocolate after a trying day...thank you!

Favorite cuddles:
For that blankie or soft toy that soothes your bubs when nothing else will. 

Keyless cars and automated doors are the worlds best invention when you are trying your best to manage a stroller, diaper bag and the groceries. 

Magic moments:
Those little moments where your little one looks at you and smiles. For giggles when you tickle his little feet. For their sweet, heavy breathing as they fall asleep on your chest. For that gorgeous scent of wash and lotion after bath time...these moments are magic...enjoy them!

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