Thursday 15 January 2015

Fitness Thursday : Prenatal Yoga

 I have been practising yoga for a number of years. I haven't gone to specifically prenatal yoga classes but have simply adapted my Hatha practice to fit in with pregnancy and an ever-growing bump. I spoke to other yogis and did my own reserarch and settled on these general rules: no inversions, no twists and no back bends.

Yoga is increasingly recommended to pregnant women because it is a gentle way of maintaining fitness, reducing stress, tension and anxiety and preparing the body for the changes ahead and the demands of giving birth.

When you are fit and strong before birth,  your body to bounce back more quickly...definitely not a bad thing!

 1st trimester: get comfortable with the changes

2nd trimester: settle into pregnancy and move, move, move

3rd trimester: stay active and strong

4th trimester: gently transition your body back into full strength

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